[ID3 Dev] Moving forward on Chapter Frames

Michal Vician id3v2 at audiott.com
Sat Nov 26 07:46:55 PST 2005

> Any MP3 reader/library that doesn't handle unknown tags is poorly
> implemented *****and breaks the standard***** (at least v2.3 and v2.4 -- I
> haven't read prior standards).

What? Breaks the standard? I don't agree with you. There is nothing stated
in ID3v2 specification that tag may contain other frames. There is only
allowance in custom frames (X,Y,Z), but nothing stated that my application
should handle frames like "HAHA" or "TOOT".

I think that the only problem is that the previous specifications of ID3v2
don't include a statement that frames with an unrecognised Frame ID should
ignored and skipped using the Size field.


Michal Vician
id3v2 at audiott.com

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