AW: [ID3 Dev] UTF16LE BOM FF FE incorrectly being identified as start of MP3 Audio

Paul Taylor paul_t100 at
Wed Apr 18 03:00:15 PDT 2007

Sent one of these direct to Ben

I was sent three of these files and they all had the following in 
common, they were all unsynchronized and they all have an APIC frame 
where the frame size is one shorter than it needs to be in order to read 
the image data

Ben Bennett wrote:
>> Well, Ive done it and only found a few tags whose size does not match 
>> the start of the audio, unfortunately the files were not created myself 
>> so I dont know their history. In all cases the size recorded in smaller 
>> than the
>> actual audio starting location, so no harm would have been done. But in 
>> these cases I search again in the file for the start of audio starting 
>> from the beginning of the file, if value returned is the same as when 
>> search starting from the
>> end of the tag location then we are ok, if it is different all I can do 
>> is use the new value and log a warning that this may possibly not be correct
> Interesting.  How much smaller?
> Can you mail out the tag + data up to the first MPEG frame header for
> one of these files please?
> 		       -ben
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