[ID3 Dev] iTunes / APIC with Unicode text encoding

Paul Taylor paul_t100 at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 19 04:52:32 PST 2007

Hi Jud

I tried this with my own jaudiotagger library, although it identified 
there were two APIC frames it failed to decode the description or the 
image properly. But Ive found a problem with library which maybe causing 
problems in other libraries, I think your tag is created correctly. Your 
description is encoded in UTF16 with a byte order mark of FF FE, so that 
each subsequent character is most significant byte first so 'ǿ' is FF 01 
'e' is 65 00 and so on. The problem with my library is that I try to 
find the null terminate character because I only want to display upto 
the null terminate character, UTF16 expects two zero bytes 00 00 but 
because your last character is an 'e' its second byte is 00 which I 
incorrectly identify as the first null terminater byte, I then read the 
real null terminate byte as the second byte,and read the second null 
terminate bytes as the first byte of the image data so my image gets 
screwed up. I have now fixed it so that it goes through the buffer in 
increments of 2 when searching for the nul terminator bytes.

You could check my synopsis by changing your text description so that 
the last character requires two bytes and see if it is shown ok.

You could write UTF16 the other way round (FE FF) then the last byte of 
the data will never be zero which is what the jaudiotagger library does 
by default. But sombody did indicate to me this causes prob;ems with 
Windows XP Explorer, although I haven't verified this.


Jud White wrote:

Nina Simoneǿ
> Does anyone see a problem with the tag in this file? 
> http://idsharp.com/id3v2/itunes-nopics.mp3 specifically the two APIC 
> frames.
> IdSharp and UltraID3Lib are both able to read the two pics. Tag&Rename 
> shows no pics, The Godfather shows something weird (probably doesn't 
> support Unicode), WMP shows the first picture, and iTunes shows no pics.
> Thanks
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