At 23:52 17/08/2006, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">What exactly are you trying to
achieve, what is your long term goal ?</blockquote><br>
We want to encourage the widespread adoption of the ID3 chapter
specification so that we can reach more people with our enhanced
podcasts. Currently, the only client for these is the iTunes/iPod
platform. This limits the people we can reach and as a result we're less
motivated to develop these services.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">I am a professional Java
developer based in the UK and I manage the
<a href="http://jaudiotagger.dev.java.net/" eudora="autourl">
http://jaudiotagger.dev.java.net</a> which aims among other things to
fully replicate the all versions of the ID3 specification in Java, much
is already there and it is used in a number of projects. At some point I
would like to add the chapter specification but it is not my top priority
at the moment but if there was any funding available for this I could
prioritise the chapter specification.</blockquote><br>
We may be able to contribute some programmer effort, if that would
Best regards,<br><br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">
____________________________________________</font> <br><br>
<font face="Verdana" size=2><b>Chris Newell</b></font> <br>
<font face="Verdana" size=1 color="#808080"><b>Lead
Technologist</b></font><font color="#808080"> <br>
</font><font face="Verdana" size=1 color="#808080"><b>Technology
BBC New Media & Technology<br>
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Tel:<x-tab> </x-tab>+44 (0)1737 839659<br>
Fax:<x-tab> </x-tab>+44 (0)1737 839665<br>
<a href="mailto:chris.newell@rd.bbc.co.uk" eudora="autourl">
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