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<div>I'm new here and trying to get some infromation on:</div>
<div>a) How can the id3v2 tags support some of the requirements from the Indian Classical Music?</div>
<div>b) Is there a process to add standard tags to the specs so that future applications and hardware will be aware of these?</div>
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<div>For e.g: Most listeners of Indian Classsical Music love to search and categorize the songs based on two baisc Tags:</div>
<div>a) RAGA</div>
<div>b) TALA</div>
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<div>In addition to singer and composer. I tried using Mp3Tag software to add these extended TAGS to the songs. But these tags are never identified in apps like ITuens or Windows Media Player or WinAmp.</div>
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<div>Could someone share viewpoints to this observation?</div>
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<div>Binu M Panicker</div>