[ID3 Dev] Moving forward on Chapter Frames

Dan O'Neill id3v2 at northpb.com
Wed Nov 30 08:57:03 PST 2005

Chris Newell wrote:

> A similar statement is present in v2.2 and v2.3. Apologies for not noticing this earlier!
> This means we could publish an addendum describing how the Chapter Frames could be used in both v2.3 and v.2.4 tags. Would it also be useful to provide a version of the frames for use with v2.2?
> I'll try to draft a first stab at an addendum for everyone to review.

I would prefer that we encourage the community to move forward and not 
support v2.2.  Any applications using v2.2 would most likely not be 
favored by a very modern podcasting user base.


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