[ID3 Dev] Java heirarchy

Brian Mearns bmearns at coe.neu.edu
Wed Sep 14 11:03:04 PDT 2005

I'm working (slowly) on my own java implementation of ID3, and I'm having some
issues with the heirarchy.

I've got it set up where mypackage.id3.v2.v3.DefaultID3Frame is the default
class for representing ID3v2.3.0 frames which don't have a more specific
implementation. likewise, mypackage.id3.v2.v3.ID3TextFrame extends from the
above mentioned DefaultID3Frame class, and represents the T*** frames.

Now I'm trying to plan out a v2.4 library, and so I've got
mypackage.id3.v2.v4.DefaultID3Frame which extends from
mypackage.id3.v2.v3.DefaultID3Frame. Still no problem. Now the tricky part. I
want a class mypackage.id3.v2.v4.Id3TextFrame for v2.4.0 text frames, but does
it make more sense for it to extend from mypackage.id3.v2.v4.DefaultID3Frame,
or from mypackage.id3.v2.v3.ID3TextFrame, in other words from the v2.4 default
frame, or the v2.3 text frame?

Any thoughts on this?

-Brian Mearns
 (bmearns at coe.neu.edu)

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