[ID3 Dev] Accessibility extension - second draft

Chris Newell chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk
Tue Aug 15 04:19:56 PDT 2006


Many thanks for the comments.

At 00:23 01/08/2006, you wrote:
>A few minor notes:
>- The link to the ID3v2.4 structure doc is incorrect.


>- The field ordering is a little strange.  I'd expect text-encoding, text, 
>mime-type, flags, data.  (Two logical groups, one for text, the other for 
>audio content.)  Alternatively putting the flags at the front would fit with 
>how some other ID3v2 elements are formatted, but the current layout wouldn't 
>make my top 2-3 most obvious combinations.  ;-)

I based the ordering on the "APIC" frame (Text encoding, MIME type, picture type, description, picture data) which is the closest precedent I could find in ID3v2. In the end I think it's probably an arbitrary decision.

>- You might consider a note on "pruning" -- i.e. under what circumstances 
>ID3v2 implementations should discard (potentially using the frame header?) 
>ATXT frames.

How about:

"Operations on ID3v2 tags which result in the editing, addition or removal of text fields may result in the retention of irrelevant ATXT frames or an inconsistent availability of audio text unless action is taken to amend, add or remove the corresponding ATXT frames."

Best regards,



Chris Newell 
Lead Technologist 
Technology Group
BBC New Media & Technology
Kingswood Warren, Woodland Way, Tadworth
Surrey  KT20 6NP   UK

Tel:    +44 (0)1737 839659
Fax:    +44 (0)1737 839665
mailto:chris.newell at rd.bbc.co.uk
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