AW: AW: AW: [ID3 Dev] Purpose of Unsynchronization flag on ID3v24 tag header ?

Mathias Kunter mathiaskunter at
Fri Apr 6 09:24:22 PDT 2007

>You say above the frame flag being set means 'it contains no false sync signal. It does NOT mean that the
>frame content actually became modified'

>whereas in your latest post you say 'If you decide to don't unsync the frame content, do nothing. You MUST
>NOT set the frame header flag.'

>These two statements seem to be the opposite of each other

They are not :)
Look at this:

IF the flag is set, the frame content MIGHT became modified by the unsync scheme and you MUST
de-unsync it to get the correct data. In the case that the content actually didn't became modified it's no
problem as the de-unsync process is going to simply have no effect then.

IF the flag is NOT set, you MUST NOT de-unsync the frame content as this COULD produce corrupted data.

IF you want to unsync the content, replace all FF >=E0 byte sequences with FF 00 >=E0 bytes. In the case
that there is no FF >=E0 byte sequence, you CAN set the flag, although you SHOULDN'T. If there was a
FF >=E0 byte sequence in the data, you MUST set the flag. I explained earlier that it is sufficient to replace
FF bytes with FF 00 only, without checking for the entire FF >=E0 sequence.

IF you DON'T want to unsync the content, you MUST NOT set the flag and MUST NOT change the frame
data in any way, of course.

>>'If you don't detect the mentioned bit sequence, you can still decide to
>>unsync the frame and set the flag in the frame header. However, this
>>would be silly as the unsync would have no effect for this frame. It is
>>just allowed from the specs point of view, but you shouldn't do that.'

>if  there were any FF 00 patterns there would be an effect. Replacing FF 00 with FF 00 00 is part of
>unsynchronization (it is not optional)

This is correct. However, when I wrote "you can still decide to unsync the frame" I meant that you also have
to care about the FF 00 combinations then (just because you're applying the unsync scheme). Therefore,
the decoder also reads the correct byte sequence again.


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