[ID3 Dev] ETCO frame questions

Timothy Reaves treaves at silverfieldstech.com
Sun May 11 09:29:59 PDT 2008

The 2.4.0 documentation doesn't explain the following two items very  

1) The 'Time stamp' is set to zero if directly at the beginning of the  
sound or after the previous event.
Does this mean that any event occurring at the beginning of a sound  
file has a zero timestamp?  Because at the start of the sound file,  
how could it be anything else?

Does the second clause mean that two events, occurring at the same  
position in the sound file, will have the second events timestamp set  
to zero?

And for the event type:
2) $FF  one more byte of events follows (all the following bytes with  
the value $FF have the same function)

Does this go with "Time stamp      $xx (xx ...)"?  If so, does it mean  
that a timestamp that requires more than one byte has the format $xx  
$FF $xx , so that a two-byte timestamp uses three bytes to code for it?

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