[ID3 Dev] Encoding UTF-16 (i.e UTF-16 with BOM which is the most compatible choice Little Endian or Big Endian ?)

Paul Taylor paul_t100 at fastmail.fm
Wed Apr 27 03:16:58 PDT 2011

When encoding string as UTF-16 (i.e UTF with BOM) which is the most 
compatible choice Little Endian or Big Endian, should you chnage default 
based on what latform you are on ?

i.e Encoding Beck as BOM Big Endian would be
FE FF 00 62 00 65 00 63 00 6B

and BOM little Endian would be
FF FE 62 00 65 00 63 00 6B 00

Seems Big Endian might be better because wouldn't cause a load of 
unsynchronization if unsynchronizations was enabled.

But I know Macs and Pcs tend to default to the opposite for this sort of 


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