[ID3 Dev] Update on ID3 Chapter tag publication efforts

Dan O'Neill id3v2 at northpb.com
Wed Oct 19 21:16:10 PDT 2005

Ben Bennett wrote:
> If we are updating the ID3.org website can we put a clarification out
> saying that ID3v2.4 frame sizes are SYNCSAFE.  Certain popular
> programs (iTunes, and others) do not do that.
> Of course since they have so messed up people's tags and there will be
> no way to untangle them perhaps a new version (2.5 or 2.4.1) would
> make sense?
> -ben

Hi Ben,

Love to put up something.  I don't know as much about the issues as you 
do. Could you draft up something? or point me to someplace that has 
described the issue and I'll write up something for you to review.  As 
for iTunes and the other applications, if you can help to clearly state 
what they do wrong, I'll get it in the hands of the Napster folks and 
quite possibly the others as well.


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