[ID3 Dev] Suggestion - uniform 'Element ID' creation

Michal Vician id3v2 at audiott.com
Mon Nov 14 12:11:10 PST 2005

> At 17:51 11/11/2005, you wrote:
>>> I can see the merit of your "uniform Element ID"
>>> concept in terms of simplicity for parsers. However, I'm concerned that
>>> it
>>> would block one of the useful capabilities of the current scheme - the
>>> ability to reference chapters from more than one table of contents.
>>> For example, for the recording of a rock festival you could create a
>>> CHAP
>>> frame for each song and then index these frames in three ways using
>>> different CTOCs to provide:
>>>  - a full, temporally ordered table of contents
>>>  - a table providing an index of band names or genres
>>>  - a table listing highlights
>>> I think it's important to maintain this kind of flexibility because it
>>> opens up all kinds of interesting opportunities for content developers.
>>Oh yes. I had forgotten that there may be more than one table of contents
>>in each tag. Therefore I have adjusted my "uniform Element ID" concept so
>>that there may be more than one table of contents. How?
>>Just by adding the "X#" at the very beggining of each Element ID.
>>X - the unigue number identifier of each table of contents.
>>Here is example of 2 tables of contents written in one ID3 tag (there are
>>also some CHAP frames which are not referenced by any CTOC frame):
>>1#0 (root - zero level)
>>          1#1 (1st level)
>>          1#2
>>          1#3
>>            1#3.1 (2nd level)
>>            1#3.2
>>            1#3.3
>>              1#3.3.1 (3rd level)
>>              1#3.3.2
>>              1#3.3.3
>>                1# (4th level)
>>                1#
>>                ...
> Michal,
> How does this scheme allow the an individual chapter frame to be
> referenced by more than one table of contents? In the example scenario
> above, the chapters representing individual songs may be referenced three
> times.

Oh yes. My suggestion seems to be rubbish :-) I was probably quite tired
when writing it....
forget it

Michal Vician
id3v2 at audiott.com

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