[ID3 Dev] ID3v2.5

Ben Allison benski at winamp.com
Tue Feb 28 07:40:48 PST 2006

I've already voiced by support for this, but I'll do it again :)
Can we add a proper frame for "Album Artist" at the same time?  I don't
think TPE2 is the appropriate place for this information, especially for
certain genres like jazz, show tunes, and opera where TPE2 has a need to
be used as it is designed.

> As someone else said, simply adding UTF-8 to ID2v2.3 and marking it as
> v2.3.1 ($03 01 in the header) would probably be a far better option.
> And clarify multiple genres (space or NULL separated), along with any
> other simple issues. ID3v2.3 is far from perfect, but it's at least
> widespread and well adopted. And existing libraries (even dead ones,
> like id3lib) could be trivially modified to support the changes.
> Tom

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