[ID3 Dev] TCON confusion

Tom Sorensen tsorensen at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 06:19:15 PST 2006

On 1/16/06, Pyt <py.thoulon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anybody cares to comment on other implementations (how about the Java libs
> around or id3lib ?).

id3lib is v2.3 only and only allows for a single genre. It always
includes the numeric value for a genre as well (if there is one).
You'd have to hack it pretty severely to support multiple genres.

I believe iTunes always includes the numeric genre if available as
well. You can list multiple genres, but it simply treats them as a
single genre -- if you were to put in "Pop Rock Tango" then it would
not try to split that up into (13)Pop(17)Rock(113)Tango, but simply
put in the above string as the genre and 255 as the ID3V1 genre. It
does substring matches on searches by default, so it still works if
you want to list all of your "Rock" songs.

If you're not going to use the numeric tags (or if there aren't any)
then I'd suggest simply space delimiting the genres. I dislike iTunes
in general, but I think they did the right thing here. After all, if
you're doing multiple genres the ID3V1 tag is already useless, as are
any numeric genre indicators.

Tom Sorensen

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