[ID3 Dev] I want to make my Java API OpenSource

Michal Vician id3v2 at audiott.com
Tue Jun 6 10:50:25 PDT 2006


Maybe some of you know me. I've been for few months very busy because of
school leaving exams. Fortunately, I passed all of them without any
problems and now I have time for things I relly like - programming :-)

Maybe you know freeware AudioTT which I have wrote. Now I want to publish
my Java API that can handle almost everything related to MP3 and ID3 tags
(using this API you can gain information about MP3 format, manipulate with
ID3 v1/v2.3/v2.4 tag, it supports also new CHAP and CTOC frames ....).

Is there anybody have some experiences with GPL, LGPL... licences, or
anybody who would like to contribute etc.

Just let me know please. I appreciate any help.

Kind regards

Michal Vician
id3v2 at audiott.com

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