[ID3 Dev] Buffer overrun in ID3v2.3

Phil Pellouchoud Phil at broadbandinstruments.com
Wed Nov 1 07:10:20 PST 2006


I'm not sure where to submit this, but I wanted to share it with
everyone just in case they're using ID3v2.3.

I found a buffer overrun in the code in file mp3_parse.cpp.

bool Mp3Info::Parse(ID3_Reader& reader, size_t mp3size)




  const size_t VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE = 8;     // "xing" + flags are fixed

  const size_t VBR_HEADER_MAX_SIZE = 120;   // frames (4), bytes (4),
toc (100) and scale (4) are optional + VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE

  //const size_t VBR_HEADER_MAX_SIZE = 116;   // frames, bytes, toc and
scale are optional


  if (mp3size >= vbr_header_offest + VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE) 


    char vbrheaderdata[VBR_HEADER_MAX_SIZE+1]; //+1 to hold the 0 char

    unsigned char *pvbrdata = (unsigned char *)vbrheaderdata;

    int vbr_filesize = 0;

    int vbr_scale = 0;

    int vbr_flags = 0;


    // get fixed part of vbr header 

    // and check if valid


    beg = vbr_header_offest;


    reader.readChars(vbrheaderdata, VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE);

    vbrheaderdata[VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE] = '\0';


    if (pvbrdata[0] == 'X' &&

        pvbrdata[1] == 'i' &&

        pvbrdata[2] == 'n' &&

        pvbrdata[3] == 'g')


      // get vbr flags

      pvbrdata += 4;

      vbr_flags = ExtractI4(pvbrdata);

      pvbrdata += 4;


      //  read entire vbr header

      int vbr_header_size = VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE

                           + ((vbr_flags & FRAMES_FLAG)? 4:0)

                           + ((vbr_flags & BYTES_FLAG)? 4:0)

                           + ((vbr_flags & TOC_FLAG)? 100:0)

                           + ((vbr_flags & SCALE_FLAG)? 4:0);

      // in this scenario, vbr_header_size can equal

      // VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE + 4 + 4 + 100 + 4 = 120

      // which is bigger than 116.


      if (mp3size >= vbr_header_offest + vbr_header_size) 


vbr_header_size - VBR_HEADER_MIN_SIZE); 

        vbrheaderdata[vbr_header_size] = '\0';

        // and then you're using the index calculated above to

        // write into the buffer!


        // get frames, bytes, toc and scale


        if (vbr_flags & FRAMES_FLAG)


          vbr_frames = ExtractI4(pvbrdata); 

          pvbrdata +=4;



        if (vbr_flags & BYTES_FLAG)


          vbr_filesize = ExtractI4(pvbrdata); 

          pvbrdata +=4;




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