[ID3 Dev] Using multiple tags to specify genre and other traits.

Ståle Askerød Johansen s.a.johansen at usit.uio.no
Mon Mar 19 05:02:26 PDT 2007

Mathias Kunter wrote:

> For all of the things you mentioned already exist defined ID3 frames.
> The TMOO frame is for the mood of an audio file (since ID3 version 2.4):
> "slow" and "sad", for example.
> "70ies" would be coded as year in the TYER frame (ID3 version 2.3), or in the
> TDRC frame in ID3 version 2.4.
> The TLAN frame holds information about the language(s) of the file.
> And as Tom already said, the TCON frame stores one or more associated genres.

I think I need to elaborate. My point is that i do NOT want separate 
frames for all the different things one might want to register.

Not this:

[TLAN]: norwegian, british, hawaiian, french
[TYER]: 1980, 1965, 2003, 1999
[TMOO]: sad, happy, bouncy, slow, fast, joyful
[TCON]: rock, pop, balkan-brass, classical, noseflute

But this:

[TAGS]: rock, folk, instrumental, oldie, sorrowful, slow, piano, violin, 
swedish, scandinavian, progressive, 70s, 1971, soundtrack

> To summarize, these metadata fields you suggested to include within the
> standard are too subjective and irrelevant as they would ever be of any
> benefit. There even exist many files which have entered "Track07" as track
> name. Just think of how much people would care entering your
> subjective data if they don't even enter correct artist and track names.

A very good point, and I realize that this information often will have 
to be entered and used by each user based on personal taste. An 
alternative is to make something wiki-like where people can collaborate 
on making a common framework, like for instance del.icio.us.


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