[ID3 Dev] id3 updates re: itunes and frames in the wild

Dan O'Neill id3v2 at northpb.com
Wed Sep 19 08:42:19 PDT 2007

Ben Bennett just added some good information to id3.org about iTunes [1] 
and frames seen, but not include in the standard. [2]

Thanks for the updates Ben!

In the interest of getting more complete information about iTunes, can 
anyone help with the following question?

1. I am aware of the TCMP iTunes only frame, are there others?
      TCMP - iTunes compliation flag [3]

2. I'm aware of these COMM frames, but don't have documentation
    for all of them.  iTunes overloads comment frames to add
    data for iTunes/iPod specific functionality.
     desc = iTunNORM - iTunes Normalization [4]
     desc = iTunSMPB - ?
     desc = iTunPGAP - ?
     desc = ITUNES_CDDB_IDS - ?

3. I'm believe that iTunes will write 2.4 tags
    even when writing in 2.3 format (TSOA, TSOT or TSOP)
    Can anyone confirm this behavior?


[1] http://id3.org/iTunes
[2] http://id3.org/Developer_Information
[3] http://id3.org/iTunes_Compilation_Flag
[4] http://id3.org/iTunes_Normalization_settings

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