[ID3 Dev] PCNT question

Ben Bennett fiji at ayup.limey.net
Thu Dec 4 17:09:44 PST 2008

On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 05:04:17PM -0800, Dan O'Neill wrote:
> Hi Timothy,
> It's like mostly my fault for not having a more collaborative wiki setup  
> that enables discussion and revision of the spec.  I've been busy with  
> my day job (http://trusonic.com) over the last year.  New hardware and  
> software and stuff took up a considerable amount of bandwidth.  I *will*  
> make some changes over the next month to enable this spec to get fixed  
> by those who want to contribute. My apologies to the entire group.

That's great, but I want to urge you to discuss your plans here first
because I really don't want people to edit the spec willy-nilly.  I
think the language of the spec should remain unchanged, but then we
can add clarifications to particular items, but they must be clearly
not part of the official spec.


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